
每日单词12 The Martian C6

1、eulogy 颂词

 ①  an area of territory controled by a particular ruler or government

          1.1 a specific sphere of activity or knowledge

 ② Coumputing  a distinct subset of the internet with address sharing with a common suffix or under the control of a particular organization or individual.

③ A discrete region of magnetism in ferromagnetic material.

④The set of possible values of the independent variable or variables of a function.

⑤A distinct region of a complex molecule or structure.

4 ludicrous

   so foolish,unreasonable,or out of place as to be amusing

5 trudge

   walk slowly with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions

6 shelter

a place giving temporaly protection from weather or danger

    ① a place providing food and accomondation for the homeless

    ② an animal sanctuary

a shield or safe condition or protection

7 magnitude

  ① the great size or extent of sth.

   1.1 great important

  ② size

      a numerical quality or value

   ③ The degree of brightness of a star, as represented by a number on a logarithmic scale 【星星的亮度】

         3.1The class into which a star falls by virtue of its brightness:

         3.2 A difference of one on a scale of brightness, treated as a unit of measurement:

 8 clincher 敲弯钉头的工具,紧钳,夹子;

9 cascade

  1 小瀑布,瀑布状物 

  2 倾泻,如瀑布般垂下

  3 传递<information>,层叠<windows,menu>


1 asmall waterfall,typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope

2 a process whereby sth.,typically information or knowledge ,is successively passed on

    2.1a succession of devies or stages ina process, each of which triggers or initiates the next.


1 (of water/hair,etc ) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities

2 pass sth. on to a succession of others

2 arrange (a number of devices or objects )in a series or sequence

10 inherently

in a permanent, essential or characterisitic way.


11 noble


1 belonging by rank,title, or birth to the aristocracy

2 having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles

   - of imposing or magnificent size or appearance

   - of excelent or superior quality


1 (esp, in former times) a person of noble rank or birth.

2 a former English gold coin first issued in 1351

12 proactive

 (of a person or action) creating or controlling a situation rathe than juest responding to it after it has happened

13 precision

the quality , condition , or fact of being exact and accruate

  - [as modifier] marked by or adapted for accruacy and exactness

  - technical   refinement in a mesurement, calculation, ro specificatin, especially as represented by the number of digits given

14 terrain

a stretch of land, esp. with regard to its physical features.

15 clamp

1 a brace[支撑、铁钳等], band, or clasp[扣环] for strengthening or holding things together

-short for wheel clamp   轮夹,车轮固定夹

2 an electric circuit shich serves to maintain the voltage limits of a signal at prescribed levels

16  resin 树脂,合成树脂

1 a sticky flammable organic substance, insolubel in water, exuded by some trees and orher plants(notably fir and pine)

2 (also synthetic resin) a solid or liquid synthetic organic polymer used an the basis of plastics, adhesives, varnises, or other products


17 saddlebag  鞍囊,自行车车座后的挂包

  each of a pair of bags attached behind the saddle on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle

18 moistrue 

water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapour, whthin a  solid, or condensed on a surface

diffuse 四散的,散开的,扩散的

vapour 水汽

condense 凝结,冷凝;压缩,精简

19 ominous 不祥的,威胁的

giving the worrying impression that sth. bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicilus

20 exaggerate

represent sth. as being larger, better, or worse than it really is

(as adjective exaggerated) Enlarged or altered beyond normal propotions

21 pellet

/n/a small , rounded, compressed mass of substance.

1.1 a piece of small shot or other lightweight bullet

1.2 a small mess of bones or feathers regurgitated by a bird of prey

1.3 a small round piece of animal's faces, esp. from a rabbit or rodent

/v/ from (a substance )into pellets

      Hit with or as if with pellets

22 insulate

Protect sth. by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound

1.1 prevent passage of electricity or form (sth.) by covering it nonconducting material

1.2 protect sb. or someone from unpleasant infulences or experience

23 leakage

1 the accidental admission or escape of liquid or gas through a hole or crack

- the gradual escape of an electric charge or current, or magnetic flux

2 deliberate disclosure of confidential information

24  compoment

a part or element of a larger whole, esp. a part of machine or vehicle

25 mutant

[mutate] change in form or nature

                (with reference to a cell, DNA molecule, etc.) undergo or cause undergo change of a gene or genes

26 cylinder

1. a solid geometrical figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section

1.1 a solid or hollow body, object, or part having the shape of a cylinder.

2. A piston chamber in a steam or internal combustion engine.

3. a sylinder shaped container holding liquefied gas under pressure.

4. a rotating metal roller in a printing press

5. [Archaeology] A cylinder seal.

27 generator

1. a person or thing that generates sth.

2.A dynamo or similar machine for converting mechanical energy into electricity.
